Tag: Efficiency

NewACUnit.com | Ac unit outside

December 15, 2020

Your Guide To a New AC Unit | Cost, Installation and More 

There are plenty of reasons to consider buying a new AC unit. If your central AC unit is on its last leg, or you simply wish it was more efficient, you might wonder what installation will cost, and how to choose the best model. Installing air conditioner equipment is an investment, for sure, so it’s important to make the right choice. If you follow the advice of our expert staff at newACunit.com, you’ll know just what you need to do.

NewACUnit.com | Women wearing a winter jacket

November 16, 2020

Are Your Heat Pumps Ready For Colder Weather?  

If you're not maintaining your pumps, you're inviting higher energy bills. It also means that you're more likely to encounter a malfunction when the heat pump system is kicked into overdrive.  At newACunit.com, we have a few recommendations to get your pumps ready for colder temps. 

NewACUnit.com | AC fan

October 16, 2020

5 Things You Should Know About Day and Night AC Units  

If you’re ready to find out more about Day and Night AC units or see how they might work for your home, it’s time to visit newACunit.com. We’re happy to guide you through the process and select an AC unit you’ll be delighted to have every year.

cold air hvac unit

September 22, 2020

7 Reasons Why Your AC isn’t Blowing Cold Air  

If your air conditioner is plugged in, powers on, and runs, it's all the more frustrating if it's not blowing cold air. Before you panic that you need a new AC unit though, you might need an AC check. There are several reasons why an AC might stop blowing cold air, and it's important to know why. A lot of times, the answer is less troublesome than you think and you can save yourself a service call if it's an easy fix. The expert staff at newACunit.com wants you to know more about the usual suspects and how they're likely to manifest.

best ac units

August 31, 2020

Best AC Units For Hot Climates  

The key to getting through those high-noon temperatures is creating an indoor environment that will welcome you in from the blazing sun. We'll look at the best possible air conditioning units that can stand up to the pressure even when the thermometer goes through the roof.

Air Conditioning Unit | Blog

July 17, 2020

Make Your Air Conditioning Unit Run Great All Summer

Let’s face it: Most homeowners just want good cooling from their air conditioning unit. They’re not always sure of the best HVAC units or even the most common types of HVAC units they could buy. If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. You deserve a comfortable home during a hot summer.

Split System | Blog

June 18, 2020

Split System or HVAC Packaged Unit: What’s the Difference?

If you have never bought a new air conditioning system, you might be mystified by all the terms. If you don’t understand the differences between a split system and an HVAC packaged unit, you’ll have a harder time knowing how to choose. Factor in the cost of a new system, which is generally at least a few thousand dollars, and you’re making a big investment.

Best Central AC Brands | Blog

May 11, 2020

How to Choose the Best Central AC Unit Brands for Your Budget

According to Bob Vila, a quality, well-maintained central air conditioning system should last from about 12 to 17 years. Air conditioners may cost more than typical home appliances.

What to Include in Your Seasonal Home Maintenance Schedule

April 16, 2020

What to Include in Your Seasonal Home Maintenance Schedule

The very act of inspecting a home yearly and noticing the issues in its deepest, darkest corners can go a long way toward catching preventative problems long before they have a chance to spin out of control.