Tag: Air Conditioning

New AC Unit - Comfort

March 26, 2020

Don’t Let AC Costs Rise Alongside Temps: Pros of a New AC Unit

The weather is finally cooling down for the Valley of the Sun; the chilly mornings and cool evenings are signs that winter is coming.  Is your heater ready? Now is the time to get a Heater Tune-Up scheduled for your home to ensure safe, reliable, and efficient heating all winter long.

New Furnace - CO Danger

January 16, 2020

Do you need a new furnace? Prevent CO Poisoning

Here’s a scary thought: Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Have you had a furnace tune-up for this winter season?

Best New Air Conditioner Brands | Blog | newACunit.com

December 16, 2019

Best New Air Conditioner Brands

If you want to have a new AC unit that lasts, then you need to buy air conditioning units from the best brands.

When Should I Replace My AC Unit And How Long Should It Last? | Blog | newACunit.com

November 16, 2019

When Should I Replace My AC Unit And How Long Should It Last?

A lot of people put off replacing their AC unit because of the cost. However, by delaying replacement you could pay more in the long run through repairs and high energy bills.

Signs Your AC Needs Replacing, Not Repair | Blog | newACunit.com

October 16, 2019

Signs Your AC Needs Replacing, Not Repair

An air conditioning unit is perhaps one of the most durable appliances in existence. For something that’s always in use, especially in the warmer regions, an AC unit can power through for years, especially when it’s maintained regularly throughout it’s entire life.

Tips for Preparing Your Home For Winter | Blog | newACunit.com

September 16, 2019

Tips for Preparing Your Home For Winter

Winter is coming, and just like Winterfell and the rest of Westeros, we all have to be ready for everything that comes with it.

Fall HVAC Preventive Maintenance

May 16, 2019

Fall HVAC Preventive Maintenance Checklist

The autumn season has always been some sort of a crossroads for HVAC equipment. It’s the time when air conditioning units have just gone through a grueling summer, while heating equipment was in hibernation.

8 Incredibly Easy Ways To Save Money On Your AC and Heating Bill | Blog | newACunit.com

September 18, 2018

8 Incredibly Easy Ways To Save Money On Your AC and Heating Bill

Cooling and heating your home take up a huge percentage of your total energy costs. For many homeowners, getting electricity or gas bills that hit a few thousand dollars every year hurts, but it’s something that they have to live with.

8 Common HVAC Scams You Need to Avoid | Blog | newACunit.com

September 5, 2018

8 Common HVAC Scams You Need to Avoid

HVAC professionals are the only people we can completely rely on to install, maintain, and repair our AC systems.